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Driveway accesses shall be separated from other driveways and street intersections in accordance with the following standards and procedures.

A. Local Streets. A minimum of 22 feet separation (as measured by straight curb between access points) shall be required on local streets (i.e. streets not designated as collectors or arterials).

B. Arterial and Collector Streets. Access spacing on collector and arterial streets, and intersections shall be determined based on the policies and standards contained in the City’s Transportation System Plan and Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Access to state highways shall be subject to the requirements of the Oregon Highway Plan and OAR Chapter 734, Division 51.

C. Special Provision for all Streets. Direct street access may be restricted for some land uses. For example, access consolidation, shared access, and/or access separation greater than that specified, may be required by the City or ODOT for the purpose of protecting the function, safety and operation of the street for all users. Where no other alternative exists, the permitting agency may allow construction of an access connection along the property line farthest from an intersection. In such cases, directional connections (i.e., right in/out, right in only, or right out only) may be required. New connections shall not be permitted within the functional area of an intersection or interchange, unless no other reasonable access to the property is available.

The standards for driveway and street spacing on local public streets are established in Table 8 of the Transportation System Plan and are included below as Table 13.28-A.

Table 13.28-A. City of Hood River Access Management Spacing Standards a, b,c

Street Classification

Spacing Between Public Streets (Min.-Max.)

Minimum Spacing Between Driveways and Other Driveways or Public Streets d

Minor Arterial Street

660-1,000 feet

300 feet

Collector Street

220-440 feet

100 feet

Local Street

200 feet

22 feet

aExceptions may be made by the City Engineer

bMeasured centerline to centerline

cPublic streets within the IAMP Overlay Zone are subject to the standards in [new] Section 17.20.030.D.

dPrivate access to arterial roadways shall only be granted through a requested variance of access spacing standards when access to a lower classification facility is not feasible.

The standards for street spacing on state highways in the Hood River Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) are established in the Oregon Highway Plan and OAR Chapter 734, Division 51. Standards for District highways are presented below in Table 13.28-B.

Table 13.28-B. Oregon Highway Plan Access Management Spacing Standards


Access Spacing Standard a per Posted Speed (Urban Area b)

>= 55 mph

50 mph

40 & 45 mph

30 & 35 mph

<= 25 mph

District Highway c

700 feet

550 feet

500 feet

350 feet

350 feet

aMeasurement of the approach road spacing is from center to center on the same side of the roadway.

bThe Urban standard applies within UGBs unless a management plan agreed to by ODOT and the local government(s) establishes a different standard.

cOR 281 and US 30 are currently classified as District Highways